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Advanced query methods


Add Common Table Expression (CTE) to the query.

import { columnTypes } from 'orchid-orm';
import { NumberColumn } from './number';

// .with optionally accepts such options:
type WithOptions = {
  // list of columns returned by this WITH statement
  // by default all columns from provided column shape will be included
  // true is for default behavior
  columns?: string[] | boolean;

  // Adds RECURSIVE keyword:
  recursive?: true;

  // Adds MATERIALIZED keyword:
  materialized?: true;

  // Adds NOT MATERIALIZED keyword:
  notMaterialized?: true;

// accepts columns shape and a raw SQL expression:
    id: columnTypes.integer(),
    name: columnTypes.text(3, 100),
  db.table.sql`SELECT id, name FROM "someTable"`,

// accepts query:
db.table.with('alias', db.table.all());

// accepts a callback for a query builder:
db.table.with('alias', (qb) =>{ one: db.table.sql((t) => t.integer())`1` }),

// All mentioned forms can accept options as a second argument:
    recursive: true,
    materialized: true,

Defined WITH table can be used in .from or .join with all the type safeness:

db.table.with('alias', db.table.all()).from('alias').select('');

  .with('alias', db.table.all())
  .join('alias', '', '')


Specifies the schema to be used as a prefix of a table name.

Though this method can be used to set the schema right when building the query, it's better to specify schema when calling db(table, () => columns, { schema: string })


Resulting SQL:

SELECT "user"."id" FROM "customSchema"."user"

union, unionAll, intersect, intersectAll, except, exceptAll

Creates a union query, taking an array or a list of callbacks, builders, or raw SQL statements to build the union statement, with optional boolean wrap. If the wrap parameter is true, the queries will be individually wrapped in parentheses.

ts'id', 'name').union(
  ['id', 'name'),
    SomeTable.sql`SELECT id, name FROM "thirdTable"`,
  true, // optional wrap parameter

Other methods takes the same arguments, they are different by SQL keyword:

  • unionAll - union that allows duplicated rows
  • intersect - get only rows that are present in all queries
  • intersectAll - intersect that allows duplicated rows
  • except - get only rows that are in the first query but not in the second
  • exceptAll - except that allows duplicated rows


Wraps the query in a way to select a single JSON string. So that JSON encoding is done on a database side, and the application doesn't have to turn a response to a JSON. It may be better for performance in some cases.

// json is a JSON string that you can directly send as a response.
const json = await'id', 'name').json();


Selects a value from JSON data using a JSON path.

import { columnTypes } from 'orchid-orm';

  columnTypes.text(3, 100), // type of the value
  'data', // name of the JSON column
  '$.name', // JSON path
  'name', // select value as name

  // Optionally supports `vars` and `silent` options
  // check Postgres docs for jsonb_path_query for details
    vars: 'vars',
    silent: true,

Nested JSON operations can be used in place of JSON column name:

  columnTypes.text(3, 100),
  // Available: .jsonSet, .jsonInsert, .jsonRemove
  db.table.jsonSet('data', ['key'], 'value'),


Return a JSON value/object/array where a given value is set at the given path. The path is an array of keys to access the value.

Can be used in update callback.

const result = await db.table.jsonSet('data', ['name'], 'new value').take();

expect({ name: 'new value' });

Optionally takes parameters of type { as?: string, createIfMissing?: boolean }

await db.table.jsonSet('data', ['name'], 'new value', {
  as: 'alias', // select data as `alias`
  createIfMissing: true, // ignored if missing by default


Return a JSON value/object/array where a given value is inserted at the given JSON path. Value can be a single value or JSON object. If a value exists at the given path, the value is not replaced.

Can be used in update callback.

// imagine user has data = { tags: ['two'] }
const result = await db.table.jsonInsert('data', ['tags', 0], 'one').take();

// 'one' is inserted to 0 position
expect({ tags: ['one', 'two'] });

Optionally takes parameters of type { as?: string, insertAfter?: boolean }

// imagine user has data = { tags: ['one'] }
const result = await db.table
  .jsonInsert('data', ['tags', 0], 'two', {
    as: 'alias', // select as an alias
    insertAfter: true, // insert after the specified position

// 'one' is inserted to 0 position
expect(result.alias).toEqual({ tags: ['one', 'two'] });


Return a JSON value/object/array where a given value is removed at the given JSON path.

Can be used in update callback.

// imagine a user has data = { tags: ['one', 'two'] }
const result = await db.table
    ['tags', 0],
    // optional parameters:
      as: 'alias', // select as an alias

expect(result.alias).toEqual({ tags: ['two'] });


Returns an object with the column info about the current table, or an individual column if one is passed, returning an object with the following keys:

type ColumnInfo = {
  defaultValue: unknown; // the default value for the column
  type: string; // the column type
  maxLength: number | null; // the max length set for the column, present on string types
  nullable: boolean; // whether the column may be null

import { getColumnInfo } from 'orchid-orm';

// columnInfo has type Record<string, ColumnInfo>, where string is name of columns
const columnInfo = await getColumnInfo(db.table);

// singleColumnInfo has the type ColumnInfo
const singleColumnInfo = await getColumnInfo(db.table, 'name');


copyTableData is a function to invoke a COPY SQL statement, it can copy from or to a file or a program.

Copying from STDIN or to STDOUT is not supported.

It supports all the options of the COPY statement of Postgres. See details in Postgres document.

The copying is performed by the Postgres database server, and it must have access to the file.

Type of copy argument:

export type CopyOptions<Column = string> = {
  columns?: Column[];
  format?: 'text' | 'csv' | 'binary';
  freeze?: boolean;
  delimiter?: string;
  null?: string;
  header?: boolean | 'match';
  quote?: string;
  escape?: string;
  forceQuote?: Column[] | '*';
  forceNotNull?: Column[];
  forceNull?: Column[];
  encoding?: string;
} & (
  | {
      from: string | { program: string };
  | {
      to: string | { program: string };

Example usage:

import { copyTableData } from 'orchid-orm';

await copyTableData(db.table, {
  columns: ['id', 'title', 'description'],
  from: 'path-to-file',