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JSON functions

Note that json methods that operates on a single json value, such as jsonSet, jsonInsert, and others, can be chained one after another:

  data: (q) =>
    q.get('data').jsonSet('foo', 1).jsonSet('bar', 2).jsonRemove('baz'),


Wraps the query in a way to select a single JSON string. So that JSON encoding is done on a database side, and the application doesn't have to turn a response to a JSON. It may be better for performance in some cases.

// json is a JSON string that you can directly send as a response.
const json = await'id', 'name').json();


Selects a value from JSON data using a JSON path.

Calls the jsonb_path_query_first Postgres function.

Type can be provided via { type: (t) => t.columnType() } options, by default the type is unknown.

Optionally takes vars and silent parameters, see Postgres docs for details.

The type option sets the output type when selecting a value, also it makes specific operators available in where, so that you can apply contains if the type is text, and gt if the type is numeric.

// query a single value from a JSON data,
// because of the provided type, string JSON value will be parsed to a Date object.
const value = await db.table
  .jsonPathQueryFirst('$', { type: (t) => });

// using it in a select
const records = await{
  date: (q) =>
    q.get('data').jsonPathQueryFirst('$[*] ? (@ = key)', {
      type: (t) => t.integer(),
      // defining `vars` and `silent`
      vars: { key: 'key' },
      silent: true,

// using it in `where`
const filtered = await db.table.where((q) =>
  // filtering records by the `name` property from the `data` JSON column

// using it in update
await db.table.find(id).update({
  // using data property to set the `name` column
  name: (q) =>
    q.get('data').jsonPathQueryFirst('$.name', { type: (t) => t.string() }),

// filtering records to contain 'word' in the json property "name"
await db.table.where((q) =>
    .jsonPathQueryFirst('$.name', { type: (t) => t.string() })


Returns a JSON value/object/array where a given value is set at the given path. The path is a key or an array of keys to access the value.

Calls the jsonb_set Postgres function.

It can be used in all contexts on a single JSON value.

await db.table.find(id).update({
  data: (q) => q.get('data').jsonSet(['path', 'to', 'value'], 'new value'),


The same as jsonSet, but sets the last argument of jsonb_set to false, so this function only has effect when the value already existed in the JSON.

await db.table.find(id).update({
  // will be updated only if it already was defined
  data: (q) => q.get('data').jsonReplace(['path', 'to', 'value'], 'new value'),


Inserts a value into a given position of JSON array and returns the whole array. The path is a key or an array of keys to access the value.

If a value exists at the given path, the value is not replaced.

Provide { after: true } option to insert a value after a given position.

Calls the jsonb_insert Postgres function.

It can be used in all contexts on a single JSON value.

// update the record with data { tags: ['two'] } to have data { tags: ['one', 'two'] }
await db.table.find(id).update({
  data: (q) => q.get('data').jsonInsert(['tags', 0], 'one'),

// add 'three' after 'two'
await db.table.find(id).update({
  data: (q) => q.get('data').jsonInsert(['tags', 1], 'three', { after: true }),


Remove a value from a JSON object or array at a given path. The path is a key or an array of keys to access the value.

Uses the #- Postgres operator.

It can be used in all contexts on a single JSON value.

// the record has data { tags: ['one', 'two'] }
// removing the first tag, the data will be { tags: ['two'] }
const result = await db.table.find(id).update({
  data: (q) => q.get('data').jsonRemove(['tags', 0]),