Query methods
Each query method does not mutate the query chain, so calling it conditionally won't have an effect:
let query = db.table.select('id', 'name');
// WRONG: won't have effect
if (params.name) {
query.where({ name: params.name });
// CORRECT: reassign `query` variable
if (params.name) {
query = query.where({ name: params.name });
const results = await query;
Each query method has a mutating pair starting with _
const query = db.table.select('id', 'name');
// Calling mutating method `_where`:
if (params.name) {
query._where({ name: params.name });
const results = await query;
Mutating methods started with _
are used internally, however, their use is not recommended because it would be easier to make mistakes, code will be less obvious.
NotFoundError handling
When we search for a single record, and it is not found, it can either throw an error, or return undefined
Unlike other database libraries, Orchid ORM
decided to throw errors by default when using methods take
, find
, findBy
, get
and the record is not found. It is a good practice to catch common errors in a centralized place (see global error handling), and this allows for a more concise code.
If it's more suitable to get the undefined
value instead of throwing, use takeOptional
, findOptional
, findByOptional
, getOptional
take and takeOptional
Takes a single record, adds LIMIT 1
throws a NotFoundError
when not found, and takeOptional
returns undefined
const taken: TableType = await db.table.where({ key: 'value' }).take();
const takenOptional: TableType | undefined = await db.table
.where({ key: 'value' })
Finds a single record by the primary key (id), throws NotFoundError if not found. Not available if the table has no or multiple primary keys.
const result: TableType = await db.table.find(1);
Finds a single record by the primary key (id), returns undefined
when not found. Not available if the table has no or multiple primary keys.
const result: TableType | undefined = await db.table.find(123);
Finds a single unique record, throws NotFoundError if not found. It accepts values of primary keys or unique indexes defined on the table. findBy
's argument type is a union of all possible sets of unique conditions.
You can use where(...).take()
for non-unique conditions.
await db.table.findBy({ key: 'value' });
Finds a single unique record, returns undefined
if not found. It accepts values of primary keys or unique indexes defined on the table. findBy
's argument type is a union of all possible sets of unique conditions.
You can use where(...).takeOptional()
for non-unique conditions.
await db.table.findByOptional({ key: 'value' });
Finds a single record with a given SQL, throws NotFoundError if not found:
await db.user.findBySql`
age = ${age} AND
name = ${name}
Finds a single record with a given SQL. Returns undefined
when not found.
await db.user.findBySqlOptional`
age = ${age} AND
name = ${name}
get and getOptional
returns a single value, adds LIMIT 1
to the query, and accepts a column name or a raw SQL expression.
throws a NotFoundError
when not found, and getOptional
returns undefined
import { NumberColumn } from 'orchid-orm';
import { sql } from './baseTable';
const firstName: string = await db.table.get('name');
const rawResult: number = await db.table.get(sql((t) => t.integer())`1 + 1`);
const firstNameOptional: string | undefined = await db.table.getOptional(
returns an array of arrays without field names:
const rows: Array<Array<number | string>> = await db.table
.select('id', 'name')
rows.forEach((row) => {
// row is array of column values
row.forEach((value) => {
// value is an id or a name
returns a single array of a single selected column values:
const ids = await db.table.pluck('id');
// ids are an array of all users' id like [1, 2, 3]
won't parse the response at all, and returns undefined:
const nothing = await db.table.take().exec();
is a default behavior, that returns an array of objects:
const records = db.table
.take() // .take() will be overridden by .all()
will resolve the query into an empty result, without executing a database query.
await db.table.none(); // -> empty array
await db.table.findOptional(123).none(); // -> undefined
await db.table.find(123).none(); // throws NotFoundError
insert, update, and delete are returning a count of affected records.
When they are called with none
, query does not execute and 0 is returned.
await db.table.insert(data).none(); // -> 0
await db.table.all().update(data).none(); // -> 0
await db.table.all().delete().none(); // -> 0
When it's being used in sub-selects, it will return empty arrays, undefined
's, or 0
for count, or it will throw if the sub-query require a result:
await db.user.select({
// returns empty array
pets: (q) => q.pets.none(),
// returns `undefined`
firstPet: (q) => q.pets.none().takeOptional(),
// throws NotFound error
requriedFirstPet: (q) => q.pets.none().take(),
// returns `undefined`
firstPetName: (q) => q.pets.none().getOptional('name'),
// throws NotFound error
requiredFirstPetName: (q) => q.pets.none().get('name'),
// returns empty array
petsNames: (q) => q.pets.none().pluck('name'),
// returns 0
petsCount: (q) => q.pets.none().count(),
When the none
query is being used for joins that require match, the host query will return an empty result:
// all the following queries will resolve into empty arrays
await db.user.select({
pets: (q) => q.pets.join().none(),
await db.user.join((q) => q.pets.none());
await db.user.join('pets', (q) => q.none());
When it's being used in leftJoin
or fullJoin
, it implicitly adds ON false
into the join's SQL.
// this query can return user records
await db.user.leftJoin('pets', (q) => q.none());
// this query won't return user records, because of the added where condition
await db.user.leftJoin('pets', (q) => q.none()).where({ 'pets.name': 'Kitty' });
Takes a list of columns to be selected, and by default, the query builder will select all columns of the table.
The last argument can be an object. Keys of the object are column aliases, value can be a column name, sub-query, or raw SQL expression.
import { sql } from './baseTable';
// select columns of the table:
db.table.select('id', 'name', { idAlias: 'id' });
// accepts columns with table names:
db.table.select('user.id', 'user.name', { nameAlias: 'user.name' });
// table name may refer to the current table or a joined table:
.join(Message, 'authorId', 'user.id')
.select('user.name', 'message.text', { textAlias: 'message.text' });
// select value from the sub-query,
// this sub-query should return a single record and a single column:
subQueryResult: Otherdb.table.select('column').take(),
// select raw SQL value, specify the returning type via <generic> syntax:
raw: sql<number>`1 + 2`,
// select raw SQL value, the resulting type can be set by providing a column type in such way:
raw: sql`1 + 2`.type((t) => t.integer()),
// same raw SQL query as above, but the sql is returned from a callback
raw: () => sql`1 + 2`.type((t) => t.integer()),
When you use the ORM and defined relations, select
can also accept callbacks with related table queries:
await db.author.select({
allBooks: (q) => q.books,
firstBook: (q) => q.books.order({ createdAt: 'ASC' }).take(),
booksCount: (q) => q.books.count(),
When you're selecting a relation that's connected via belongsTo
or hasOne
, it becomes available to use in order
or in where
// select books with their authors included, order by author name and filter by author column:
await db.books
author: (q) => q.author,
.where({ 'author.isPopular': true });
conditional select
allows to select additional columns based on a condition:
type Result = { id: number; title?: string; description?: string };
const result: Result = await db.table
.if(condition, (q) => q.select('title', 'description'));
When querying the table or creating records, all columns are selected by default, but updating and deleting queries are returning affected row counts by default.
Use selectAll
to select all columns. If the .select
method was applied before it will be discarded.
const selectFull = await db.table
.select('id', 'name') // discarded by `selectAll`
const updatedFull = await db.table.selectAll().where(conditions).update(data);
const deletedFull = await db.table.selectAll().where(conditions).delete();
keyword to SELECT
Can accept column names or raw SQL expressions to place it to DISTINCT ON (...)
import { sql } from './baseTable';
// Distinct on the name and raw SQL
db.table.distinct('name', sql`raw sql`).select('id', 'name');
Sets table alias:
// Can be used in the join:
db.table.join(Profile.as('p'), 'p.userId', 'user.id');
Set the FROM
value, by default the table name is used.
determines a set of available tables and columns withing the query, and thus it must not follow select
, use select
only after from
// accepts sub-query:
db.table.from(db.otherTable.select('foo', 'bar'));
// accepts alias of `WITH` expression:
q.with('withTable', db.table.select('id', 'name'))
// `select` is after `from`
.select('id', 'name');
can accept multiple sources:
// add a `WITH` statement called `withTable
.with('withTable', db.table.select('one'))
// select from `withTable` and from `otherTable`
.from('withTable', db.otherTable.select('two'))
// source names and column names are properly typed when selecting
.select('withTable.one', 'otherTable.two');
Set the FROM
value with custom SQL:
const value = 123;
db.table.fromSql`value = ${value}`;
SQL keyword to the FROM
. When selecting from a parent table that has a table inheritance, setting only
will make it to select rows only from the parent table.
// disabling `only` after being enabled
Adds an offset clause to the query.
Adds a limit clause to the query.
Truncates the specified table.
// simply truncate
await db.table.truncate();
// restart autoincrementing columns:
await db.table.truncate({ restartIdentity: true });
// truncate also dependant tables:
await db.table.truncate({ cascade: true });
Clones the current query chain, useful for re-using partial query snippets in other queries without mutating the original.
Used under the hood, and not really needed on the app side.
For the GROUP BY
SQL statement, it is accepting column names or raw SQL expressions.
is useful when aggregating values.
// Select the category and sum of prices grouped by the category
const results = db.product
.selectSum('price', { as: 'sumPrice' })
Also, it's possible to group by a selected value:
import { sql } from './baseTable';
const results = db.product
month: sql`extract(month from "createdAt")`.type((t) =>
// month is returned as string, parse it to int
.selectSum('price', { as: 'sumPrice' })
// group by month extracted from "createdAt"
Column aliases in select
take precedence over table columns, so if in the query above db.product
had a column month
, the query would work in the exact same way, group by would reference the selected month
Adds an order by clause to the query.
Takes one or more arguments, each argument can be a column name or an object
db.table.order('id', 'name'); // ASC by default
id: 'ASC', // or DESC
// to set nulls order:
can refer to the values returned from select
sub-queries (unlike where
which cannot). So you can select a count of related records and order by it.
For example, comment
has many likes
. We are selecting few columns of comment
, selecting likesCount
by a sub-query in a select, and ordering comments by likes count:
.select('title', 'content', {
likesCount: (q) => q.likes.count(),
likesCount: 'DESC',
Order by raw SQL expression.
db.table.orderSql`raw sql`;
Build a HAVING
clause to the query to filter records by results of aggregate functions.
The argument of having
is a function where you call the aggregate function and compare it with some value by using column operators.
db.table.having((q) => q.count().gte(10));
// HAVING count(*) >= 10
Multiple having conditions will be combined with AND
(q) => q.sum('column').gt(5),
(q) => q.avg('column').lt(10),
// HAVING sum(column) > 5 AND avg(column) < 10
After applying a comparison, or
and and
methods become available:
db.table.having((q) =>
q.sum('column').equals(5).or(q.min('column').gt(1), q.max('column').lt(10)),
// HAVING (sum(column) = 5) OR (min(column) > 1 AND max(column) < 10)
Aggregate functions are exactly the same functions described in aggregate functions, they can accept aggregation options:
db.table.having((q) =>
.count('id', {
distinct: true,
order: { createdAt: 'DESC', filter: { someColumn: { not: null } } },
Arguments of the aggregate function and of the comparison can be raw SQL:
import { sql } from './baseTable';
db.table.having((q) => q.count(sql('coalesce(one, two)')).gte(sql`2 + 2`));
Provide SQL expression for the HAVING
SQL statement:
db.table.havingSql`count(*) >= ${10}`;
Use map
to transform individual records of a query result. If the query returns multiple, map
function going to transform records one by one.
For an optional query result (findOptional
, getOptional
, etc.), map
is not called for empty results.
For transforming the result of a query as a whole, consider using transform instead.
The hooks that are going to run after the query will receive the query result before transformation.
// add a `titleLength` to every post
const posts = await db.post.limit(10).map((post) => ({
titleLength: post.title.length,
posts[0].titleLength; // number
// using the exact same `map` function to transform a single post
const singlePost = await db.post.find(id).map((post) => ({
titleLength: post.title.length,
singlePost.titleLength; // number
// can be used in sub-queries
const postsWithComments = await db.post.select('title', {
comments: (q) =>
q.comments.map((comment) => ({
truncatedContent: comment.content.slice(0, 100),
postsWithComments[0].comments[0].truncatedContent; // string
Transform the result of the query right after loading it.
method should be called in the last order, other methods can't be chained after calling it.
It is meant to transform the whole result of a query, for transforming individual records consider using map.
The hooks that are going to run after the query will receive the query result before transformation.
Consider the following example of a cursor-based pagination by id
const lastId: number | undefined = req.query.cursor;
type Result = {
nodes: { id: number; text: string }[];
cursor?: number;
// result is only for demo, it will be inferred
const posts: Result = await db.post
.select('id', 'text')
.where({ id: { lt: lastId } })
.order({ id: 'DESC' })
.transform((nodes) => ({ nodes, cursor: nodes.at(-1)?.id }));
You can also use the tranform
on nested sub-queries:
type Result = {
nodes: {
id: number;
text: string;
comments: { nodes: { id: number; text: string }[]; cursor?: number };
cursor?: number;
const postsWithComments: Result = await db.post
.select('id', 'text')
comments: (q) =>
.select('id', 'text')
.transform((nodes) => ({ nodes, cursor: nodes.at(-1)?.id })),
.transform((nodes) => ({ nodes, cursor: nodes.at(-1)?.id }));
Narrows a part of the query output type. Use with caution, type-safety isn't guaranteed with it. This is similar so using as
keyword from TypeScript, except that it applies only to a part of the result.
The syntax ()<{ ... }>()
is enforced by internal limitations.
const rows = db.table
// filter out records where the `nullableColumn` is null
.where({ nullableColumn: { not: null } });
// narrows only a specified column, the rest of result is unchanged
.narrowType()<{ nullableColumn: string }>()
// the column had type `string | null`, now it is `string`
// imagine that table has a enum column kind with variants 'first' | 'second'
// and a boolean `approved`
.where({ kind: 'first', approved: true })
// after applying such `where`, it's safe to narrow the type to receive the literal values
.narrowType()<{ kind: 'first', approved: true }>();
Override the log
option, which can also be set in createDb
or when creating a table instance:
// turn log on for this query:
await db.table.all().log(true);
await db.table.all().log(); // no argument for true
// turn log off for this query:
await db.table.all().log(false);
Clears the specified operator from the query, and accepts one or more string keys.
The clear key can be one of the following:
- with
- select
- where
- union
- using
- join
- group
- order
- having
- limit
- offset
- counters: removes increment and decrement
Note that currently, it does not affect on resulting TypeScript type, it may be improved in the future.
// Clears select statement but the resulting type still has the `id` column selected.
Merge two queries into one, with a decent type safety:
const query1 = db.table.select('id').where({ id: 1 });
const query2 = db.table.select('name').where({ name: 'name' });
// result has a proper type { id: number, name: string }
const result = await query1.merge(query2).take();
Main info such as table name, and column types, will not be overridden by .merge(query)
, but all other query data will be merged if possible (select
, where
, join
, with
, and many others), or will be used from provided query argument if not possible to merge (as
, onConflict
, returning one or many).
Use makeHelper
to make a query helper - a function where you can modify the query, and reuse this function across different places.
const defaultAuthorSelect = db.author.makeHelper((q) => {
return q.select('firstName', 'lastName');
// this will select id, firstName, lastName with a correct TS type
// and return a single record
const result = await defaultAuthorSelect(db.author.select('id').find(1));
Such helper is available for relation queries inside select
await db.book.select({
author: (book) => defaultAuthorSelect(book.author),
Helper can accept additional arguments:
const selectFollowing = db.user.makeHelper((q, currentUser: { id: number }) => {
return q.select({
following: (q) =>
q.followers.where({ followerId: currentUser.id }).exists(),
// select some columns and the `following` boolean field from users
await selectFollowing(db.user.select('id', 'name'), currentUser);
To get the result type of query helper, use QueryHelperResult
import { QueryHelperResult } from 'orchid-orm';
const selectHelper = db.table.makeHelper((q) => q.select('id', 'name'));
// This type is identical to `db.table.select('id', 'name')`
type SelectQuery = QueryHelperResult<typeof selectHelper>;
// Await to get result, the type is `{ id: number, name: string }[]`
type Result = Awaited<QueryHelperResult<typeof selectHelper>>;
allows modifying the query with helpers defined with makeHelper:
const helper = db.table.makeHelper((q) => {
// all query methods are available
return q.select('name').where({ active: true }).order({ createdAt: 'DESC' });
const record = await db.table.select('id').modify(helper).find(1);
record.id; // id was selected before `modify`
record.name; // name was selected by the function
When the helper result isn't certain, it will result in a union of all possibilities. Use this sparingly as it complicates dealing with the result.
const helper = db.table.helper((q) => {
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
return q.select('one');
} else {
return q.select('two');
const record = await db.table.modify(helper).find(1);
// TS error: we don't know for sure if the `one` was selected.
// use `in` operator to disambiguate the result type
if ('one' in record) {
} else {
You can define and pass parameters:
const helper = db.table.makeHelper((q, select: 'id' | 'name') => {
return q.select(select);
const record = await db.table.modify(helper, 'id').find(1);
// record has type { id: number } | { name: string }
if ('id' in record) {
Call toSQL
on a query to get an object with a text
SQL string and a values
array of binding values:
const sql = db.table.select('id', 'name').where({ name: 'name' }).toSQL();
'SELECT "table"."id", "table"."name" FROM "table" WHERE "table"."name" = $1',
is called internally when awaiting a query.
It is caching the result. Not mutating query methods are resetting the cache, but need to be careful with mutating methods that start with _
- they won't reset the cache, which may lead to unwanted results.
optionally accepts such parameters:
type ToSqlOptions = {
clearCache?: true;
values?: [];